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4 January 2016

Introducing our remarkable best friends

Welcome to My Bugs And I, I'm very excited to finally unveil this new blog focused on our friendly micro-organisms that live and work with us.

Our fantastic giveaway is not over yet, you still have until Monday 18th to enter it for a chance to win a  beautiful and sleek Kindle Fire.

I would like to introduce to you our very best friends, the ones that help us stay safe and sane: our friendly bacteria, our collection of body micro-organisms: our microbiota.

We all know that we have friendly bacteria that populate certain regions of our body, but did you know there are ten times more microbial cells than there are human cells?

We may have thought so far that we were the clever ones, the ones dictating the rules, but more and more research reveals that the real brains governing our being may not be in our cranium but populating our gut instead.

It's time we treat ourselves and our inhabitants with respect - Do you want to tweet this?

If you have kids, you are probably familiar with Julia Donaldson. She taught us a lesson in her famous 'Room on the broom': we are stronger together! In this blog, I will share the latest news on our fantastic companions and everything they do for us.

Holy grail
Happy and healthy, our holy grail?

As we are quickly learning, our creepy crawlies can do wonders for us but only if we treat them well. We are only understanding now what we can do to help them to preserve us and make us happy and healthy.

With the so-called 20th century diseases worrying us endlessly (obesity, type 2 diabetes, autism, eczema, asthma,...) and their direct link with microbiota imbalance, it's about time we treat ourselves and our inhabitants with respect.

So, what if the answer was in our gut? Stay tuned today, I will be publishing more articles throughout the day to celebrate My Bugs And I (MBAI) launch.

Would you like me to cover a specific topic related to a disease and its possible link to our friendly bacteria? Do you believe our gut may have the answers to health questions? 

Let me know your thoughts in the comment box, I'd love to read them. 

Feel free to subscribe by email, Only one article will be sent to you per week, always with the option of one-click unsubscription. You can also follow me on FB, Bloglovin, Twitter, or Google+. See you soon.


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My bugs and I Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon